So I managed to see the premiere of you know what this morning, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II and was fairly impressed and sad at the same time. Showed up last night around 8 with my friends and ramembered to bring my graduation robe and a spare wand. I've never been to a cosplay scene so it was doubly awesome. So many people dressed up and where there werent costumes there were wands, so many wands. Gods I wish my college had a hogwarts day or at the very least a Renaissance fair once a year. But anyways, an era has come to a close and Voldemort is, at last, dead dead. So many moments worth recapitulating but i wont here, not going to spoil it for anyone unfamiliar with the books. The kicker of this is, of course, the full moon, which was technically this morning on my ride back home from Peabody Ma. I have my usual ritual later on but i wanted to talk briefly about my thoughts while i was walking earlier.
When i was small i desperately wanted HP to be real just so i could go to hogwarts, and im sure there are a lot of others who felt the same. we grew up with him in the books and then again through the movies. it's a portrayal of magick that is and yet is not true, lucid dreaming and astral travel aside. we do conjure and bring about change, but our physical world works on subtlety. we draw influences on the web and cascade that into larger outcomes. looking at the world of Rowling i can safely say that while i would love to be able to physically do what harry and the gang do, im also satisfied with what i have and would ask you to think on that for yourselves.
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