Friday, July 8, 2011

At the Doctors Office

So Turns out that after many years of just not really seeing a need, i went for a physical. I figured with Grad school looming and blood work needing to be done anyways, why not? So i walk in and procedure as usual. there i am waiting on the table for the doctor in nothing but my shorts, forgetting that i had my bico pentagram on. like i said earlier im not really all the way out of the broom closet, and it tends to pass under the radar. Most people i know think its just a necklace. It's amazing what people see, or dont see rather when theres no circle as in a true pentacle. So anyways, she walks in and spots it right away ( not like i was wearing much else mind you) and starts going on, giddy with excitement.. "is that like a wiccan thing? are you wiccan.. i mean your religion? Are you a witch!" I'll admit i was taken aback, noone at least to my knowledge had picked up on it like that and i was suddenly unsure of how to answer. I returned that, no i wasn't wiccan.. i dont hold the threefold law as i believe there is no scale on which to judge actions. i simply believe that what we send out returns. the Law of karma.

well, she was caught up in it and went on about how she found a marble pentacle under her carpets and how she brought in a rabbi to check it out. How he explained that it was a protective symbol, which i confirmed and i ended up explaining about invoking and banishing pentagrams... so while i didnt admit it, she knwos im a witch now, which is strange to me since i barely know her.

But anyways, i wanted to post this experience because while i have a deep affection for the label witch, i also, as i realized this afternoon, harbor a fear that i had though i overcame years ago. Witch means different things to different people and i know my family views it in a negative light. I have plans to sit down and talk with them on Samhain but i find myself feeling more trepidation than i expected i would.

I guess this was a needed visit to the doctors' physically and emotionally.

Take care and good night all, Blessed Be. 

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