Monday, July 28, 2014

Going Back to the Basics

So its been two years, and i really don't have much of an excuse. I finished my masters though so props to me. But anyways i though id get back to blogging and resurrect this niche, i also have a slightly newer blog, "" dedicated to cartomancy and my exploration into HTML coding... lol.

 But to the point. If your like me and spend a considerable number of years studying the craft and all things witchy, you undoubtably have a mishmash of beliefs, a small library (virtual and bookshelf) of related books, and a small handful of BOS's in various degrees of completion; i have about five, and a knack of procrastinating when it comes to organization. lets not mention the "bookmarks" of shadows (copyright me) on firefox... now thats a real mess. given this i decided that now that i have the time to do so i should realistically start to whittle down my beliefs and practice in my current BOS as it still contains my year and a day study of Wicca, which although beautiful in many ways, is just not of me.

Now as i sat there posts out of my book, reference materials at the ready, i realized id bitten off way too much for one sitting. For example lets take a look at herbalism. I happen to love my herb garden and change it up every year. Granted i don't make sachets or dream pillows, but i make all manner of teas, lotions and salves. Now when it comes to recipes I've got a bit jotted down just about everywhere but the basic information... no. you would think that at some point id copy it down and looking back i think i did back in grammar school but do i have it... no. and thats just the beginning. 

My hope is that i can use this blog to record myself as i rebuild my practice and help anyone else in my boat or just beginning to do the same. The goal is a post every few days, id say everyday but.. well, you know. Tomorrow ill be starting off with a large part of my own work while i was on campus; the Genius Loci, as well as the place of ancestral spirits in craftwork. 


 PS: also, and i realize very few people have perused my little corner of cyberspace, if theres anything in particular you'd like me to discuss in a post, or questions you'd like to ask, please do so. Id be happy to help.

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